Monday 20 May 2013

Swollen Feet and Ankles - Get Rid of Puffy, Swollen Ankles

Having swollen feet and ankles has become a much more common concern for people these days. 

Since we live in such a fickle and vein world it is understandable that many people want their entire body to be proportioned. In this article we are going to take a look at some of the ways that people can get swollen ankles and see what prevention or cures are available for this infliction.

Water Retention
Many people believe that they have swollen feet and ankles due to a build up of fat in the area but this is only partially true. Many people who do not have a large body fat percentage can still have fat or swollen ankles due water retention in the area of the ankles. A simple way to get rid of water retention is to drink natural diuretic drinks. 2-3 cups of green tea and 10 drops of lemon juice in boiling hot water per day will rid your body of any retained water.

Also be sure to drink plenty of water everyday and your body will stop holding on to water in an attempt to conserve it.

Poor Blood Circulation
If you have poor blood circulation then you will be more prone to getting swollen feet and ankles as your blood will begin to pool in your lower limbs. As you stand throughout the day your heart will find it difficult to pump the blood back around your body from your lower limbs. Raising your feet above your heart for an hour every night can help your heart to pump your blood back around again. Taking Ginkgo Biloba (a circulation boosting supplement) every day will give you amazing results in improving blood circulation and help you to get rid of your swollen feet and ankles.

Excess Fat
Naturally, if you have excess body fat then you will have excess fat stored in your ankles and feet also. You need to undertake a diet that is approx 1800 daily calories and full of heart healthy foods such as whole grains and healthy fats. Your diet should be high in protein to give your muscles tone and definition. Adding in some exercises focusing on the muscles around your ankles will also help you get a toned and defined ankle region, which will help you get rid of those dreaded swollen feet and ankles.

If you attack the problem of your swollen feet and ankles from these 3 standpoints then you will be able to get rid of the problem in as little as a few weeks. There is no single way to get rid of swollen ankles (cankles) but if you treat the problem by exercising, diet and nutrition, improving blood circulation and getting rid of water retention then toned and perfectly shaped ankles are only weeks away.

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